Friday, March 30, 2007

Start at the begining

So I guess it is best to start at the beginning or close to that.

Here we see the exuberance of Miss Julia and Master Luke doing his best to catch a few zzzzz's. It's a tough job for a sack of potatoes. What a time that was. Nice sunflower in the background eh?

Well that neighborhood was perfect for the time and you may have guessed that around the block I was known as mr tom. I just couldn't stand the thought of being called Mr Golden and Tom didn't seem quite right either so when the kids started calling me mr tom it simply stuck.

Here's a shot of Master Luke at the feeding place. Oh how he loved the feeding place! Just kiddin with you Luke. I better be careful cause he ain't no baby anymore. He's got muscles coming out of his muscles.

The neighborhood had plenty of little people but none that could compare with the gaggle of talkitive/giggly young ladies who lived on the street. From Winnie's tree house to Leafville this group knew how to grow up together. What a crew. Here is the lineup pictured below:


TerraGold said...

hey there! what a great blog!~ I love the older pics...very cute! especially the ones of soobie. we probably weighed about the same in that first pic!!

Anonymous said...

I remember at about 6-8 months carrying Luke was a challenge!

Shadoo said...

Hey be happy you don't have to carry him now! Be niiice!

Unknown said...

Those were the days! It's wonderful that all of them have remained close. They all grew up to be remarkable, creative, and compassionate people.We miss you all!