Friday, March 30, 2007

Mr Toms Present Neighborhood

Here's a shot of the church just up the street

Jargie and I took a walk the other day and brought the camera along. Here's some of what we saw. We walked down our street and past the church. In front of the childrens center are quite a display of daffies. It's a nice shot of the church behind all of the flowers.

Down the street we walked and Darfy spotted an interesting red roof of a house we had never noticed. We both guessed that it must be a new roof. We would have noticed that before now you would think. The purple blossoms and the red roof make a nice combo.

Here's a shot of Darfie at the lake. She gets tired of me taking her picture. I don't seem to get tired of taking it. Funny that. We both like days like this one. Crisp, cool and clear. Vedi nice as Borat would say.

When we went around the lake we were strolling along and I noticed that in the branch just above us was a juvenile hawk. He was just sitting there watching. The branch where he sat was only 10 feet in the are or so. My zoom got him pretty closely. Check out those fingernails! Ouch.
Here's some shots of flowers. Isn't it nice to have flowers again. I love this time of year as the flowers start to come out and are so appreciated after a long dormant cold sleepy time. The daffies mean it is time to start coloring things up! Bring it on.
We got back home and went straight to Darfies office to check out the latest episode in the saga of Flossy the mourning dove. Jargie discovered Flossy sitting on one white egg (the future Ziegfried) in our Blue Spruce named Fat Albert just outside her office window. This was about a week ago and she has been sitting ever since. All she does is sit. Jargie likes to provoke the poor defenseless bird by using a flashlight late at night to illuminate the unsuspecting and vulnerable dove. What a shock that must be. Quiet, calm, dark, quiet...tweet tweet, whish of the air and then POW! A beacon shines on her poor self showing all the nocturnal predators her exact location. She tries to look cool but we know she is flipping out. Jargie put that light DOWN!


TerraGold said...

dear shadu

wow~! great piccers! i especially like the daffodils and the one of the hawk..what amazing clarity and color and composition! you are a great photographer. thats what i think is so fun about blogging--gives people who love photography a chance to display their work!

Anonymous said...

I am flashing the light to make sure flossie is OK. Don't you tell my ***

Shadoo said...

Yeah right scared em away for good and now they are gone! It's all darfies fault!